
Setup Google Calendar Credentials

Create public Google Calendar

  1. Create a Google Calendar and name it e.g. pebble
  2. Open the calendar settings and make it public
  3. Copy and use the Calendar-ID which should look like this:

Create your personal Google API Key

  1. Open Google Developers Console
  2. Activate the Google Calendar API in the Google Developers Console.
  3. Under Credentials, create a new Public API access key
  4. Copy and use this API Key
Import a Theme

Fetch Settings from Website

  1. Navigate to the Themes Page
  2. Click on your preferred watchface to open a bigger preview
  3. Save the Theme Settings using one of these ways:
    • Right click on the preview and copy link location
    • Select and copy all of the string which is provided at the bottom

Load Settings into Watchface

  1. On your phone open the watchface settings menu and navigate to BACKUP / THEMES
  2. Decide here which settings you want to import by selecting one or more of these:
    • Include Watchface
    • Include Calendar Credentials
    • Include Custom Variables
  3. Navigate to Import
  4. Paste the the copied Theme Settings in the input field
  5. Click on LOAD BACKUP
  6. Save the watchface

No remote web service is involved! Tasks are handled locally on your phone.
Double check the 'include' settings not to overwrite old settings!

Import a Backup

Fetch Settings from Backup File

  • HTML Backup File
    1. Open the Backup File using any browser (Opera and Chrome works well)
    2. Right click on the preview and copy link location or select and copy all of the settings string which is provided at the bottom
  • JSON Backup File
    1. Open the Backup File using any editor
    2. Copy all of the content
  • SVG Backup File
    1. Try to open the Backup File using any browser.
      Unfortunately this file type is not well supported
    2. Select and copy all of the string which is provided at the bottom

Load Settings into Watchface

  1. On your phone open the watchface settings menu and navigate to BACKUP / THEMES
  2. Decide here which settings you want to import by selecting one or more of these:
    • Include Watchface
    • Include Calendar Credentials
    • Include Custom Variables
  3. Navigate to Import
  4. Paste the the copied Theme Settings in the input field
  5. Click on LOAD BACKUP
  6. Save the watchface

No remote web service is involved! Tasks are handled locally on your phone.
Double check the 'include' settings not to overwrite old settings!

Export a Backup
  1. On your phone open the watchface settings menu and navigate to BACKUP / THEMES
  2. Decide here which settings you want to export by selecting one or more of:
    • Include Watchface
    • Include Calendar Credentials
    • Include Custom Variables
  3. Navigate to Export and decide which type of backup file you want to create:
    • HTML File (recommended)
    • SVG File
    • JSON File
    • JSON Object
  4. Choose a filename
  5. Click on EXPORT
  6. Copy all of the generated export string
  7. Paste it as URL in your browser address bar (Opera or Chrome works well)
  8. Download the Backup File

No remote web service is involved! Tasks are handled locally on your phone.
If you want to share this backup double check the 'include' settings for your privacy!

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